0901 Spirit of Life Center

Day 3 Spirit of Life Center, Ag.Nikalaos

Friday Aug 31

Early hike again up the steep mountainside road in time for Betty’s Qigong practice at 8. Very refreshing as it got you moving in every direction. Also very stimulating to pat down every part of your body to get the blood flowing.

Our daily routine continued with breakfast at 0930 again. Have shifted to mountain tea for a “when in Greece” experience. It’s starting to grow on me! The very light yogurt with fruits is the mainstay and gives you enough energy to keep you going for the day.

Further Yin group discussions from 1100-1300, then spinach lasagna and tomato and olive salad lunch about 1400 with the long views of the coast.

We all piled into 3 cars and headed up the coast road to the beach at Kardamyli – actually the beach right next to Elies Hotel. We rode with Antonis who grew up in Exochora which means the village just outside the village Chora. It’s 8km way up in the mountains from a turnoff just south of Kardamyli. Many great stories of growing up and exploring the Mani – caves, favorite swimming holes, trails in the mountains, villages.

I walked over to the Elies to say hi to Seva, the beach girl, who did a double take and laughed. Then the dining terrace to say hi to Dimitra, Katerina, and Constantina. Dimitra lives in Ag. Nik. and had seen us listening to the music there with George and Olga the night before! Small world, the Mani!

Back for a shower and change then our 90 min evening Yin practice at 1815 in the SOL Center.

We agreed to experience a very interesting finding by one of Biff’s teachers, a famous anthropologist. She had observed patients in a children’s hospital to try and determine why the healing rate so so much higher than normal. What she discovered was that this was attributed to a single woman who wheeled a cart around to the children’s room to give them books, games, etc. but what she really did was to “acknowledge” the child in some small way every time that made the child feel valued and loved. “The squeaky wheel on your model airplane needs a squirt of oil.” Your eyes are the same beautiful blue as the cloth you are holding.”

This acknowledgement makes you feel good, raises your sense of self worth, and makes you healthier. We drew the name of someone in our group with the idea over our remaining days to acknowledge them but not in a way that they realize that they are the person whose name you drew. Then for our final circle, what each of us will write as a summary of the acknowledgements and others things about that person will be read to the group – maybe we will read it or maybe we will remain anonymous. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Tonight Greek salad, saganaki, hummus, eggplant purée with herbs, a chickpea and potato stew with herbs, and an incredible plum dessert with crushed walnuts, yogurt, cardamon, anise, and ginger! Incredible!!

Late night walk down the mountain road under the full bowl of the stars! All the autumn constellations are coming back!