0902 SOL to Beach then a Taverna

Day 4 Spirit of Life Center, Agis Nikolaos

Sunday Sep 2

Dawn the olive grove path to SOL just as the sun touched the roofs of houses in Ag. Nik. The constitution ant sound of the church bells ringing from Ag. Nik. on the coast calling all, carries far up the mountain.

Another new practice after gentle yoga with lots lot long flowing stretches. Pick 3 concepts that you might like right now – e.g., exploring, grace, beauty, openness, calm, dance, flying, sharing, anything! – and put it to movement. Work your movement out. Then partner up and share one, at a time, other follows yours eventually. Switch. Very interesting way to communication care as ~70% of our communications are already nonverbal.

Breakfast on the terrace 0930. With this vegetarian diet, we realize are never hungry between meals. And the meals are not that big.

Yin philosophy discussions in the Center until about 1300, then a leisurely lunch on the terrace again. The Mani sun is very strong.

Afternoon group outing to a beautiful cove beach about 4 miles up the road, just north of Stoupa. Steep walk down road, path, steps to the water far below to set up our umbrellas and start swimming.

Almost dead calm and crystal clear aquamarine color and you could easily see 25-30 feet down. Just perfect for a leisurely swim. There was even a small snack bar and tables at the top of the steps from the beach.

Headed back about 1800 to the Center for the evening Yin practice, then a late night outside tavern dinner as a group in Ag. Nik. with the Greeks ordering dishes for the table, Greek family style.